In the ZONE

Cork Yoga Mat Series By Artist Fru Pinter ZONE

In this collaboration with artist Fru Pinter, we explored and discussed in depth three themes: Growth, Letting Go and Connection. We subtly incorporated traditional symbols like the lotus, the Hamsa and mandela into these beautiful and meaningful illustrations - each telling a story and each inviting you to find your own meaning within the art. We hope you love this series as much a we do.

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5 Yogic Techniques For Surfing ZONE
Surfing isn’t just about catching waves, but also being in tune with your body and the ocean. Surfing and yoga both require a combination of strength, flexibility, balance, and focus. Learn how to draw on the techniques of Yoga to improve your surfing and mindset in the water. 
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The Five Tibetans: The Fountain of Youth | ZONE
Many fitness trends have come and gone over the years, but The Five Tibetans have withstood the test of time. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to fitness, incorporating these simple, yet effective movements into your daily routine could be the key to living a healthy life. 
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Cork Yoga Mat

We are thrilled to announce that our Listening to Country Cork Yoga Mat and Blocks have been selected as a Finalist in the Clean + Conscious Awards 2022. These awards mean a lot to us here at ZONE. We've worked hard not only in developing sustainable products but also making sure they are ethically made and transported in minimal biodegradable packaging

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Live sustainably x
Creating sustainable habits doesn't have to be complicated. Choose one or two easy swaps to start with and keep building on that. Every little bit counts, together we can turn these ripples of change into waves and help protect our planet.
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