We are Climate Neutral Certified

Climate change is an urgent crisis that requires immediate action. Like so many individuals, brands and businesses, we care about the health of our people and the planet. So, we’ve taken an important leap to reduce and offset our carbon emissions. With the help of Climate Neutral, we are now proudly and officially Climate Neutral certified!  


Well for starters, it’s a commitment to you, the consumer, but also to the environment that we all enjoy, which is now under threat. We know our products are already thoughtfully designed and made from sustainably materials like cork and hemp. We don’t compromise on quality and durability, but we are also aware that it is impossible to make products and get them to you without leaving a carbon trail. To us, the cost of goods sold isn’t just about numbers and our bottom line, it’s about the environmental cost that extends from manufacturing, down the supply chain, right to your door. 

That’s why going carbon neutral is important to us. With the help of Climate Neutral and 1% for the planet, we measured the carbon emissions from every aspect of our business. We then offset our carbon emissions by investing in nature based climate change initiatives like reforestation and soil regeneration to neutralise our environmental impact. From our operations arm to our administrative setup, our team has made a choice and commitment to not only offset our carbon emissions, but continue to reduce our footprint. So, what have we pledged? Let’s break it down.


CO2 emissions are essentially pollution pests. Except that exterminating them is very tricky. For those of us in the manufacturing business, we need to shift our thinking to consider our design, choice of material, our manufacturers and supply chain, as well as the transport required in delivering those goods right into your hot little hands. How we, and so many others operate can leave a substantial carbon footprint in our wake.


Teaming up with Climate Neutralhas allowed us to gather and calculate our entire carbon footprint across the ZONE by Lydia and BodyICE brands. We’re talking about everything from our materials to the energy used when producing and shipping. Our 2020 carbon emissions equated to approximately 620 metric tonnes of carbon. How much is that? Well, it’s enough to power 75 homes for an entire year! Knowing our benchmark, we have now offset our emissions and formally pledged to reduce and track our carbon footprint throughout our business by choosing our suppliers wisely and continue to use and research sustainable materials and packaging across all of our products. 


We have always been a  satellite team - yep, even pre-Pandemic! We’ve perfected the art of working remotely and look forward to continuing our online office environment. We also want to shift as much of our manufacturing to Australia as possible to support local and slash freight and shipping emission and continue to choose sustainable materials and ethical companies to work with. These are just a few conscious shifts that we and our business are committing to.

As individuals, it’s easy and understandable to feel overwhelmed by the climate crisis. How can just one person who’s not David Attenbrough actually make a difference? Constantly being told to #ThinkGreen, #SupportLocal and get involved in the #ClimateChangeCrisis discussion and take action! Yet, the looming reality of making the slightest difference in the right direction without a Greta Thunburg platform or Gates-like-wealth can feel disheartening. But there are solutions. There are ways we can help as individuals, as families and businesses.


It’s a privilege to achieve our Climate Neutral certification and we are  committed to keeping it! There isn't a minute to waste when it comes to decarbonising our planet. If every company were to measure, offset, and reduce their emissions right now, we can accelerate this journey. We believe this should be standard business practice.

As an individual wanting to make an impact, one simple step that anyone CAN achieve is to take individual control and choose wisely. It’s completely in your power to support local, shop sustainable products, recycle, up-cycle and support businesses that choose to commit to neutralising their carbon footprint. 

You can look for the Climate Neutral Certified label every time you shop to support the companies that are taking immediate action on climate change. Tell your favourite companies that you want them to #beclimateneutral too! You can also become carbon neutral as an individual or as a family or donate to climate change initiatives and projects like 1% for the Planet.

We can all do our bit in helping to protect and preserve our home so that future generations can enjoy it as we have.

Head to our sustainability page to learn more and access our press release here.

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